
    Actually, The Legend Of Zelda Movie Shouldn’t Include Link At All

    Many people are debating whether the main character, Link, should have a voice in the upcoming movie adaptation of The Legend of Zelda. Some argue that he should remain silent, based on previous attempts to give him a personality in other media adaptations.

    The concern is that adding dialogue to Link could potentially alter his character in a negative way, such as making him obnoxious or overly simplistic, as seen in past portrayals.

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    Now Playing: History of The Legend of Zelda

    However, there is the argument that Link isn’t the most compelling character in the series. The name of the series itself, “The Legend of Zelda,” suggests that the focus should shift to Zelda, who has a more defined personality and voice within the games.

    Unlike Link, Zelda does speak in the games and has various distinct personalities throughout the series, providing a rich source of character development for any adaptation. She has been depicted as a wise sage, a benevolent monarch, a time-traveling sorceress, a precocious child, a spooky supernatural voice, an archaeologist, a leader of a band of heroes, and even a pirate captain. Despite these diverse roles, her core traits of leadership, wisdom, empathy, and duty remain consistent.

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    Zelda’s consistent underlying traits provide a solid foundation for a movie adaptation, unlike Link, who may require more invention to build a compelling character. Moreover, Zelda often drives the story, guiding and instructing Link on his quests.

    Recent mainline Zelda games, such as Breath of the Wild and Tears of the Kingdom, present narratives that heavily focus on Zelda’s journey, with Link being a supporting character in her story. These games showcase Zelda’s struggles, growth, and sacrifices, making a strong case for placing her at the center of a movie adaptation.

    In Breath of the Wild, for instance, Zelda grapples with her destiny and confronts the monumental task of sealing away an ancient evil. The game delves into her personal struggles and her journey to fulfill her role as the protector of Hyrule. Conversely, Link’s role is primarily to support Zelda and assist her in her quest.

    Subsequently, it becomes evident that Zelda’s character is more inherently layered and narrative-rich compared to Link’s portrayal in the games. This distinction further underscores the potential for a Zelda-focused movie to deliver a more engaging and dynamic storytelling experience.

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    Given these considerations, it becomes apparent that, as a character, Zelda offers greater depth and potential for an impactful movie adaptation. While Link’s presence could still be retained as a supporting role, the narrative emphasis should squarely focus on Zelda’s compelling and multifaceted journey, showcasing her diverse roles and expanding the storytelling possibilities within the Zelda universe.

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    In conclusion, a Legend of Zelda movie should prioritize Zelda as the central figure, leveraging her diverse attributes and story arcs to create a captivating and multifaceted cinematic experience. By highlighting Zelda’s journey and character development, the movie can tap into the rich narrative potential that the series has to offer, ultimately delivering a compelling and immersive adaptation.

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